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Karachi Board Launches New Cheating-Proof Exam Papers

By introducing test papers that can’t be subverted, the Karachi Driving gathering of Moderate and Discretionary Tutoring has tracked down a way better ways to deal with quit sabotaging tests. This drive means to guarantee the genuineness and decency of the assessment process.The new test papers are arranged with state of the art security incorporates that make it difficult for students to partake in manipulative chips away at during tests. These innovative test papers solidify different adversary of deluding progressions. They include unique watermarks, standard tags, and QR codes that can be examined to verify the papers’ authenticity. Additionally, the papers are printed with exceptionally flexible ink, making it simple to distinguish any changes. The Karachi Board has moreover completed extreme shows for the allotment and treatment of these test papers. Evaluation centers are outfitted with perception cameras to screen students and hinder any unapproved works out. To guarantee a protected and cautious test climate, invigilators have been prepared to perceive and answer potential tricking strategies.The Karachi Board is making this move as a part of a greater work to make everything fair for all students and work on the legitimacy of its assessments.The board plans to kill swindling’s uncalled for benefit and advance scholarly honesty and meritocracy by carrying out these actions. As per educators, understudies, and guardians the same, the conveyance of test papers to forestall swindling brings about a more open and reliable assessment system. The Karachi Board sets an extraordinary model for other instructive sheets to continue in their battle against scholastic conniving by constantly further developing its evaluation methods.

The Board of Intermediate Education Karachi (BIEK) has made significant strides to combat cheating during examinations. To address this issue, security barcodes will now be incorporated into exam papers to deter fraudulent activities.Additionally, in response to severe heat waves, medical teams will be stationed during exams to promptly attend to students displaying symptoms of heatstroke.Starting from May 28, as intermediate exams commence, students will receive enhanced facilities aimed at ensuring their well-being. For the first time, students will have access to first aid boxes containing medications to alleviate symptoms such as nausea, fever, weakness, and electrolyte imbalances triggered by the heatwave.These provisions, including painkillers, anti-allergy tablets, glucose, vitamin C, and mineral water, will be provided free of charge. Moreover, ambulances will be positioned external assessment habitats, with help from private foundations.

Chairman BIEK, Prof. Naseem Memon, emphasized the board’s commitment to student welfare during exams. Only colleges equipped with the necessary facilities are designated as examination centers. To combat cheating, security printing with individualized barcodes has been introduced for each paper, allowing for comprehensive candidate verification.

Moreover, each examination center will be assigned a superintendent officer from a single college to oversee all arrangements. The board has likewise refreshed the authority site, Facebook, and Instagram accounts, giving understudies helpful admittance to test related data, mark sheets, authentications, and results from the solace of their homes. Prof. Naseem Memon expressed optimism regarding the project’s potential to facilitate seamless student communication.

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